Business Intelligence
On your device
See live data from your Idealpos system, as it happens, or reflect historically with quick data views.

Get set up quickly!

Connect to your IdealPos Point of Sales system to view your data anywhere, on any device.


Whether it's desktop, tablet or mobile, see live or historical sales and financial figures on any device. Visualise what you need on the go or explore in-depth on your desktop. All with the same look across devices.


Set up your dashboard how you want, positioning data panels where you want. Add as many extra dashboards as you want and share with other users. Quick change data groupings and time periods according to your desired output.


Each account comes with two users, add new users to your subscription as you need them, assigning access levels to dashboards. Give access to Accountants, Managers or data restrictive views for individual staff or other users needs.


T-SQL queries direct to your POS Terminal through a secure connection, cache-bi is capable of grouping years of data into easy to follow charts or tables in seconds. Get the information you need to improve and monitor cashflow.

On-going Development

Wholly developed in Australia, working closely with local businesses during development to ensure practically. Dedicated team of academic, data and business-minded software developers. Long-Term roadmap of many exciting new features to come.


See our FAQs and documentation to get you started and help ensure you get the most insights into your business. If you cannot find an answer within our guides we offer free email support. Paid in-depth training available, contact us to discuss your needs.


Portal to your Idealpos transaction data

With regular updates, dedicated developers and a range of simple to use data visualisations, your business insights are with you everywhere you go.

Connect to your Idealpos system

Our custom client application makes connecting directly to your Idealpos database as simple as running our installer on your Idealpos system. With an active internet connection, client software will automatically authenticate and connect to your online portal as soon as you log on. See instant results with our default dashboard or add new dashboards and customise for yourself or share with other users. Roadmap to add other POS systems, contact us to request your particular system or change your system to Idealpos.

Data grouping for any period

Setup any grouping to then break your results down into, hours/days/weeks/months/years over any period, custom or preset. Our T-SQL queries get your data direct from your Idealpos database running our client software, returning them to your Cache-bi portal to view, we do not store or have external access to any transactional data, it stays with you. Current datasets available are Financial and Product Sales; Inventory, Customer and more coming soon! Want particular datasets or insights? Contact us to request!

Expanding feature set

Features continuously added. Current features consist of Product sales data and Financial data, import Promotions from a csv file or create on portal. Customers, Inventory coming soon. Upcoming features in design phase are Customer apps, KPI's, Supplier ordering. Custom abilities able to be negotiated, contact us to discuss your needs! NEW FEATURE: Custom web ecommerce API, coming soon, WooCommerce API


Pricing Guide

Pricing is per business (Database) connection. Add Businesses or Users to your plan at any time through our billing portal.

Base subscription includes 1 business and 2 users for $25.00 per month

Total Business (Database) Connections
Total User Accounts

* Each business connection includes 2 free additional user accounts

Monthly total
  • 1 Business Connection
  • 2 User Accounts
  • AU$25.00 per additional business
  • AU$2.50 per additional user
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